On December 29, 2016, two severely emaciated Pit Bulls were rescued from an empty lot by one of our animal control officers. Our Humane Investigation team was called and they responded to the lot to collect evidence and take pictures of the horrible living conditions. They found the remains of three dogs that had most likely died due to starvation. We are currently looking for the suspect in this case. The alleged owner is male, possibly lived in the area, was evicted and now living as a transient. We’ve had reports that 9 dogs use to be on that lot, but our Officers only found the 2 emaciated dogs and the remains of 3 other dogs, which gives a total of five dogs. The other four dogs are still unaccounted for. The lot was near Maple and Olive avenues, on the 4500 block of East Hammond. If you know anything about the suspect or about the dogs in the video, please contact our dispatch office at 559-233-7722 and speak with one of our Humane Officers.