World Spay Day was this past Tuesday and we performed 34 FREE spays/neuters for Central Valley pet owners (16 dogs and 18 cats). World Spay Day is an international movement that promotes the lifesaving benefits of spay and neuter surgeries. We helped a variety of different dog and cat breeds of all sizes — the biggest dog was an Alaskan Malamute who weighed almost 100 pounds! All our clients were left happy knowing they were being responsible pet owners.
Though World Spay Day is over, we would like to take a moment to stress the importance of spaying and neutering. These procedures are the only way to reduce pet overpopulation and increase their chances to live longer and healthier. There are also medical and behavioral advantages to spaying/neutering pets. According to the American Veterinarian Medical Association (AVMA), spaying or neutering pets can dramatically reduce or eliminate certain types of cancers that develop in both males and females. Additionally, altered dogs and cats are less likely to bite or become aggressive, mark their territory, wander and become lost, or get hit by cars while searching for mates.
We offer low-cost spay and neuter surgeries year-round to qualifying households through our Snip-N-Chip program. For more information about Snip-N-Chip, please click here.