Ducks in Your Pool?

Spring is in the air and the birds and bees are active.  Many of you that have swimming pools have problems with ducks landing in your pools.  The ducks are looking for safe places to build their nests close to a water source and your pools are it!

Once the ducks have built their nests and laid their eggs, they are not allowed to be disturbed.  If you have a nesting pair in your yard, soon you will have a bunch of babies in your pool. As cute as they are, they can create quite a mess.  

To discourage the ducks from turning your back yard into a nursery, Fresno Wildlife Rescue And Rehabilitation Services has suggested that you place balloons with faces on them on a floating device in your pool.  The ducks will see it and think it is a scary sea monster coming to get them and it may help them to decide to move on to somewhere else, like your neighbors pool.  It is not harmful to the ducks and makes you your pool cleaner’s favorite customer.  
