Adoption Fees Waived for All Mutts!
In celebration of National Mutt Day, the CCSPCA is waiving all adoption fees for all mixed breeds, commonly known as mutts, for one day only this Thursday, July 31! This promotion is made possible by the support of the CCSPCA Board of Directors and the generosity of our donors and supporters.
National Mutt Day is celebrated on both July 31st and December 2nd and is all about embracing, saving, and celebrating mixed breed dogs. Adoptions include the following: spay/neuter, vaccines, de-worming, microchip, Fresno City dog license (if applicable), flea/tick treatment, complimentary exam at the CCSPCA Small Animal Hospital, and FREE gift of up to $750 in pet insurance.
You can view our adoptable dogs online at or at our Adoption Center located at 103 S. Hughes Ave, Fresno CA 93706. We are open 7days/week from 10:00AM to 5:00PM (6:00PM on Wednesdays).
The CCSPCA is a contestant in the ASPCA Rachel Ray $100K Challenge, a contest in which 50 shelters across the country compete to break their own records saving the lives of animals. Throughout the months of June, July, and August 2014, each competing shelter must save more dogs, cats, puppies and kittens than they did during the same three months in 2013.
Our theme is “Be a Life Saver. Be a Hero. Save a Life” and we have set the goal of saving over 2,800 pets this summer!
#100KChallenge #SaveALifeFresno