Mama Cat Fosters 4 Puppies After Losing 7 Kittens

Mama Cat Fosters 4 Puppies After Losing 7 Kittens

Click here to see Mama Cat in action!

There’s nothing quite like the love of a mother. Here’s something you don’t see every day…

On March 1, 2019, a mother cat and eight newborn kittens were brought to us as strays. Shortly after, her babies were diagnosed with upper respiratory infections – which are especially detrimental to young kittens. The disease spread quickly and unfortunately took the lives of seven out of the eight babies. The one remaining kitten recovered slowly but surely.

Almost 2 weeks after that, four 2-day-old puppies were brought into our care on March 13, 2019. They were motherless and admitted as strays. Though we were trying to find a foster family for these pups in need, nothing was panning out as we’d hoped. So our Foster Coordinator and one of our Animal Care Assistants came up with a unique idea…they wanted to see if the mom cat would accept these little puppies as her own. In no time at all, the puppies latched, and mom cat has become a foster to the four of them!

The puppies have since doubled in size and are safely in the care of a foster home with their kitten sister and cat mama! Mom cat has taken her role very seriously and even bathes the puppies when they’re not nursing. How cool is that?!

If you’d like to become a CCSPCA Foster Parent, click here.