Original Story: In July 2015 we received a call about two dogs left in an abandoned apartment. One of our Humane Officers went to investigate and saw at least two dogs inside the apartment. As part of protocol, the left a notice on the door stating that in 48 hours they would be removing the dogs from the property. Two days later, the officer returns to the apartment, the notice is gone, but the dogs still remain. The landlord of the apartment let our officers into the dwelling. The officers were met by strong smelling urine and feces, torn apart furniture, cockroaches, and drug paraphernalia. According to neighbors, the residents had 3 dogs, two hound dogs and one pit bull. They said the tenants took the pit bull with them and left the hound dogs. The two hound dogs were rescued along with a large aquarium that had one live fish. The two dogs have found forever homes with loving families and our adoptions department has “adopted” the aquarium and fish.
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