Photo credit: Club One Casino on Facebook
In case you missed this uplifting story, Kyle Kirkland (the owner of Club One Casino, also a title sponsor at our Bets for Pets fundraiser) saved a cat from a manhole nearby his casino on September 19. He named the cat “Rambo” and transported him to Pet ER. He was diagnosed with sepis, a serious bacterial infection within the bloodstream. While he put up a good fight, Rambo unfortunately passed on September 21.
We applaud Kyle Kirkland of Club One Casino for his dedication to the animals in our community. Thank you for saving Rambo and for showing him compassion in his short life.
In light of Rambo’s story, we would like to extend the conversation and stress the importance of spaying and neutering your pets. It’s an easy way you can help prevent animal overpopulation in the Central Valley. We offer low-cost spay and neuters to qualifying households through our “Snip-N-Chip” program. For more information, please be sure to check out the “Spay Neuter Services” link on our website, located under our “Services” tab.