Why Foster a Dog or Cat?
At the CCSPCA we often have animals that are too young to be adopted, have an illness or injury, waiting for transport to another humane society or cannot adapt well to the shelter environment that need special care.
Our foster care program is designed to help these animals get the care they need while providing them with a place to live until they are adoptable.
Foster parents provide temporary care for our animals in their own homes until they are ready for adoption and to be placed in their permanent home. Some animals need as little as two weeks of care, while others may need care for several months.
By offering your love, time, energy, support and home to an animal in need, you prepare the animal for adoption into a permanent home as well as help prevent overcrowding in our animal care center. As a foster parent of the CCSPCA we will provide all veterinary care and reduced fees for medicine for foster animals, plus plenty of support to foster parent volunteers.
Foster parents are welcome to help in the rehoming process by sharing photos, attending offsite adoption locations such as PetsMart, or by sponsoring their foster’s spay/neuter costs to reduce the adoption fee.
We are always in need of foster parents. It is extremely rewarding to be a foster parent because you can take pride in saying that you helped provide care, love, and a temporary home to an animal in need. You get to watch them grow and change as they become comfortable with you.
How To Become A Foster Parent
To become a foster parent you must fill out an application and agree to our foster parent contract. You can either drop your application off at our Animal Center (103 S. Hughes, Fresno, CA 93706) or you can mail it to the same address. As soon as your application is approved you can begin fostering.
Interested in becoming a foster parent? Please visit our foster care department page for more information.
Foster Care Program
103 S. Hughes, Fresno, CA 93706
(559) 233-7722 ext. 127