What are the foods dogs can’t eat?
The topic of today’s post is pretty straightforward. We’ve seen and heard about dogs eating all sorts of “human food” and we field an enormous number of questions about what foods dogs can’t eat.
You’ve likely been given advice from friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues. We want to set the record straight.
What should dogs be eating?
It would probably be too easy to just say “dog food,” but that’s the answer we’re going to give you.
You want to make sure that your dog is eating a high-quality dog food that delivers a proper amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates, as well as the appropriate vitamin and mineral profile. It should also be formulated for your dog’s age, size, and activity level.
High-quality dog food is easy to find these days and your vet can make recommendations based on your dog’s individual needs.
There are times when you may want to slip your pooch something while you’re hanging out in the kitchen. In those instances you’ll need to know what’s good for them and what may actually be harmful.
Can dogs eat bananas?
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in America and around the world, so it’s likely your dog will be exposed to them at some point in his life. They can be given as a treat, but avoid overfeeding due to their high sugar content.
Can dogs eat watermelon?
Once again, don’t make watermelon a staple in your dog’s diet. You can, however, offer it as a hydrating and refreshing treat.
Can dogs eat grapes?
Skip the grapes, raisins, and anything made with them (such as products that are sweetened with grape juice). For unknown reasons, grapes can cause kidney failure in dogs, so completely avoid this fruit.
Can dogs eat blueberries?
Yes! Blueberries are low in sugar and contain a wonderful antioxidant and phytochemical profile that will benefit your dog’s health.
Can dogs eat oranges?
You may have heard that you should avoid citrus when giving your dog a treat, but the citric acid is actually not a problem. As with bananas and other fruits, high sugar content leads us to recommend oranges only be given as an occasional treat.
Can dogs eat carrots?
Carrots are a great dog treat! Most dogs love them and they are great for their health. Their fibrous crunch also makes them good for keeping a dog’s teeth clean.
Can dogs eat eggs?
Eggs are another great food for for dogs. They are easily digested and have a near perfect nutrient profile for most dogs. Raw egg whites should be avoided as they can slowly cause a biotin deficiency.
Can dogs eat popcorn?
Yup, it’s a healthy treat that your dog will likely enjoy. Popcorn is low in calories and easy on their gut, but be sure to avoid the varieties that are covered in things like butter, salt, margarine, or flavorings (including caramel and chocolate).
Can dogs eat peanuts?
Peanuts (not a nut) can be given to dogs as a treat. Their high fat content means they should be strictly limited, as dog’s bodies have a hard time digesting them and they can pose a problem if ingested in high quantities.
Can dogs eat avocado?
The persin (a toxin) in avocados can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and heart congestion. Avocados should be avoided.
Can dogs drink milk?
Just like people, dogs can be lactose intolerant and it can cause a number of gastrointestinal problems. While not deadly, it’s still best if avoided.
Can dogs eat cheese?
Just like milk, cheese contains lactose that can cause pain and discomfort. For this reason we don’t recommend serving cheese products to your dog.
Fruits and vegetables
Most fruits and vegetables are fine for dogs.
Avoiding harmful varieties is important, so skip apple and persimmon seeds, avocado, onions, garlic, chives, grapes, corn cobs, and stone fruits like peaches, plums, nectarines, and cherries (unless you’ve removed the pit).
If you have a questions about a specific fruit or veggie, double check with your vet before you feed it to your dog.
Dogs and chocolate
You’ve probably heard that chocolate is toxic to dogs. It’s true. Many people warn of the caffeine being harmful to dog’s bodies but the theobromine in chocolate is even more deadly. Be sure not to leave chocolate where your dog can get into it.
Dogs and alcohol
The effects of alcohol on dogs are very similar to its effects on humans, except dogs are far more sensitive and it takes much less to do damage. This is especially true in smaller breeds who can be poisoned by a very small amount. To top it off, both the yeast and hops in beer are toxic to dogs. Avoid liquor, wine, and beer to keep your dog safe.
Dogs and nuts
Nuts are high in fats which are hard for your dog’s body to process. Vomiting and diarrhea may not be the only side effects, as some dogs can eventually develop pancreatitis.
Dogs and caffeine
You already know to avoid chocolate, but sodas, coffee, and teas containing caffeine must be avoided as well. When ingested in large quantities, it can be fatal.
This artificial sweetener is found in many gums, candies, and health food products, but is toxic to dogs.
Prescription Meds
Prescription meds should be kept far away from where your dog might have access to them. Prescription drug toxicity is common and can be avoided by keeping your meds in a safe location and making sure that anything that is dropped is quickly recovered.
Recreational Drugs
With the legalization of medical marijuana, we are seeing more and more cases of toxicity in animals related to recreational drugs. Dogs react differently than humans to drugs and they should be kept far away from your pets.
Other Food Dogs Should Avoid
Be sure to keep your dog away from salty, sugary, low-quality foods. Candy and other junk foods should never be given to dogs. If it’s bad for people, it’s likely that it’s worse for dogs.
We hope this list of foods dogs can’t eat was helpful!
Make sure they can’t get into medications and know where your local 24-hour emergency animal hospital is located, just in case. If you suspect your dog has eaten something they shouldn’t have, call the animal poison control center at 888-426-4435.