Oh, no! Your pet has eaten something that could be poisonous, what do you do now? Have you ever been in this situation? It can be very stressful and downright scary. To raise awareness about Animal Poison Prevention week, March 20 thru 26, 2016, here are some simple steps to remember in a poison ingestion emergency.
1. Evaluate.
Check out your pet. Is he/she acting differently (lethargic, short of breath, vomiting, etc.)? If you didn’t see them ingest it, when do you think they could have gotten into the poison? Search the room in which they found the toxin for broken wrappers, open containers, or something mussed. If you can, remove all toxins from that area. All of these clues will help you figure out what your pet may have ingested.
2. Call your veterinarian.
Your veterinarian will advise you on the best way to help your pet recover from the toxin. Make sure you give them as much information as you can about the incident.
Many people think that they are helping their pet by giving them human medications to relieve the toxin. However, in many cases this makes things worse. Also, do not encourage your pet to vomit. This may worsen the side effects.
4. Get Help.
If your veterinarian deems that further treatment is required, transport your animal to your veterinary clinic. If your vet is not available, call an emergency veterinarian clinic. On your way to the vet office, monitor your pet to ensure they aren’t getting stressed and their symptoms are staying consistent.
The following products are toxic to pets (this is not a comprehensive list). For a detailed list, please visit ASPCA Animal Poison Control or download the free ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center app (APCC) on Google Play or the Apple Store.
- Rat poison
- Some household plants
- Nicotine
- Raisins, onions, unbaked yeast, chocolate
- Alcohol
- Many human medications (prescription and over the counter)
Should you have any questions or need to see a vet, our CCSPCA Small Animal Hospital can assist you Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM. Please call 559-237-1125. If you need emergency help after hours or on the weekends, we recommend calling Veterinary Emergency Services (VES) at 559-486-0520, as they offer 24-hour emergency care.