Junior Service Workshop

Junior Service Workshop

In January, our junior volunteers supported our bird adoptions in recognition of Adopt a Rescued Bird Month. The juniors learned about the care involved in owning a pet bird and why shelters promote bird adoptions versus purchasing a bird from the pet store.

Our guest speaker, Ms. Cheryl Alexander, who wrote a parrot guide book, gave complimentary copies to our juniors. They also worked on crafts activities including making bird hangers and bird Cheerio feeders, decorating our adoption center with birds, making a poster board on what to do if you find a baby bird, playing bird bingo, learning bird anatomy, and working on other activities to grow their knowledge about avian species.

To learn more about our junior volunteer program, please visit our page on the benefits of being an animal shleter volunteer, call 559-233-0115 or email education@ccspca.com

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